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Department of Economics and Finance


The educational and methodological work

The educational and methodological work of the Department of Economics and Finance is carried out in accordance with the plan of the university. The volume and types of students' independent work were clarified, new forms of knowledge control were introduced, the structural components of programs were changed, etc. All work programs are designed in accordance with the current instructions at the university.

Working curricula, methodological developments and other documents related to various types of educational activities of students, in order to improve the quality of their content, are discussed at a meeting of the department, the methodological council of the institute, undergo a thorough examination by the University's educational institution and approved by the Academic Council of the university at the beginning of the current academic year.

Educational and methodological activities are carried out through the implementation of educational programs of corporate training: "The program of the School of Pedagogical Skills", "The program for the compilation and development of educational video lectures", "Training seminars on the organization of the educational process."

The interaction between teaching, research and teaching in the context of the EP of the department is manifested in the fact that the teachers of the department published monographs, study guides and video lectures in the state and Russian languages.

The research work of the Department of Economics and Finance of the Institute of Economics and law of the A. Baitursynov KRU is aimed at studying the trends of post-crisis development of the world economy, problems of innovative development of the economy in accordance with the state priorities of socio-economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Research projects were carried out on basic and applied research coordinated by the MES, as well as in contract research.

The analysis of the spectrum of scientific research shows the presence of applied research topics along with fundamental topics, which makes it possible to positively evaluate this parameter of research.

The main directions of research work of the Department of Economics and Finance:
  • current problems of the financial and credit system of Kazakhstan;
  • economic justification of the regional food security program;
  • main directions of development of the economy's competitiveness;
  • socio-economic foundations of sustainable development of the region's economy.
Research Projects Of The Department Of Economics And Finance:
  • Efficient agriculture and rural development 561969-EPP-1-2015
  • 1-DE-EPPKА2-CBHE-JP Sustainable Agriculture and Rural development - SARUD
  • The main directions of development of agriculture and rural areas at the present stage (based on the materials of Kostanay region) № 0115РК02869 from 20.10.2015
  • The main directions of development of competitiveness of the economy 0115РК02867 from 20.10.2015
  • Problems and prospects of remuneration in countries ЕЭП №119РКИ0041
  • Kozha-1 LLP on the topic: "Main directions of development of agriculture and rural territories at the present stage (based on materials of Kostanay region)" in the direction of "Sustainable development of rural territories»
  • Sustainable development of rural territories №0120РКИ0099
  • Socio-economic foundations of sustainable development of the region (based on the materials of Kostanay region) №0220РКИ0108
  • Institutional and economic analysis of the problems of modernization of the regional economy №0120РКИ0100

The base of research trips for undergraduates and doctoral students is the faculty of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow state University (Moscow). since 2011, undergraduates have been doing research training in universities in Chelyabinsk and Kazan (Russia).

As part of the integration of the higher education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan into the European educational space under the TEMPUS, Erasmus+ program, undergraduates have the opportunity to complete an internship and receive additional education in European countries.

Academic mobility of students and teaching staff:
  • Poland (University of Lodz)
  • Czech Republic (University of Ostrava)
  • Turkey (Ondokuz Maiz University)
  • Germany (DAAD programs)
  • France (through the French Embassy)
  • USA (UGRAD program)
Collaboration with foreign scientists:
  • Yeerlan Kuduzi-Xinjiang University, China;
  • Filiz Giray-Uludag University, Turkey;
  • Petr Hájek (Petr Hájek) - Central Bohemia University, Czech Republic;
  • Alyona Levina - South Ural state University, Russia.
The Department has extensive experience in cooperation with the largest universities in Kazakhstan and Russia:
  • Gumilyov Eurasian national University (Astana);
  • Chelyabinsk state Academy of Agroengineering (Chelyabinsk, Russia);
  • University of international business (Almaty).
  • South Ural state University (Chelyabinsk).
The Department has signed agreements on scientific and technical cooperation:
  • Institute of Economics of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Yekaterinburg);
  • Kazakhstan research Institute of agricultural economy and rural development (Almaty).
  • South Ural state University (Chelyabinsk).