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Department of Criminal and Civil Law and Procedure

Makubayeva Gulvira Abilkairovna
Senior Lecturer Position
Master of Law Academic degree


  • 1994-1998 Kostanay State University named after Baitursynov - qualification teacher of Kazakh language and literature.
  • 2000-2003 Kazakh Institute of Law and International Relations – qualification "Lawyer".
  • 2012-2014 Kostanay State University named after Baitursynov, specialty "Jurisprudence," Master degree in legal science.

Subjects taught

  • Civil procedural law of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Mediation in civil proceedings
  • Landl Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Work experience

  • 2006 - to date - Senior Lecturer, Department of Civil Law and Procedure, Baitursynov State University.

Certificates/certificates of professional development

  • 2017 Training seminar at the Omsk State Pedagogical University under the program "Pedagogical Innovations in Education", reg. No. 542, Center for Educational Initiatives, Russian Federation, Omsk.
  • 2017 Advanced training course on the topic: “Professional and personal competencies of a university teacher”, IP Center for Educational and Legal Technologies “Partner”, Karaganda.
  • 2018 Innovative technologies of study at the university, Abakan.
  • 2018 "Innovative technologies of student-centered learning in the educational process of the university", Center for Educational Initiatives, Russian Federation, Omsk.
  • 2019 "Legal regulation of labor relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan", IP Center for Educational and Legal Technologies “Partner”, Karaganda.
  • 2022 Civil procedural law, Intuit National Open University, Russia, t. Moscow.

Awards and prizes

  • A letter of thanks from the rector of A. Baitursynov KSU.
  • Letter of thanks from the Department of Education of the Akimat of Kostanay region.

Activities in the service sector

  • From 2005 to the present - the founder of the NGO SPCR "Themis +".
  • From 2017 to the present - mediator of the Mediation Center in Kostanay region.

Training manuals

  • Кәсіби қазақ тілі. Educational-methodical manual. – Kostanay: Baitursynov KSU, 2018,  80 p.
  • Қазақстан Респбликасы Азаматтық іс жүргізу құқығы. Educational-methodical manual. – Kostanay: Baitursynov KSU, 2019, 98 p.
  • Азаматтық процестің сатылары, Educational-methodical manual. – Kostanay: Baitursynov KSU, 2022. 106 p.


  • ЖОО_дагы қашықтықтан оқыту технологиясының кейбір мәселелері, Proceedings of the international scientific and methodical conference «INNOVA - 2018». [e-resource], p. 133-136.
  • Институт международной подсудности в гражданском процессе Республики Казахстан, Proceedings of the international scientific and theoretical conference «Modern jurisprudence and youth». [e-resource], Baitursynov KSU 2020. – 275 p. (189-192 p.).
  • Ұлттық сот ісін жүргізудегі азаматтық процестік мерзімдер мәселелері, Proceedings of the international scientific conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, [e-resource], Baitursynov KSU 2021г.,. – 241 p.
  • Actual problems of lawmaking and law enforcement in the Republic of Kazakhstan: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 100th anniversary of academician Salyk Zimanov. - Kostanay, 2021. - 410 p.
  • Theoretical and legal aspects of the institute of conceptional procedures in the civil process of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference Baytursyn readings, 2021, 241 p.
  • Independent Kazakhstan: achievements and successes as a reliable basis for building a dynamically developing state of the XXI century”: Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference 04/30/2021. - Kostanay: KRU named after A. Baitursynov, 2021. – 241p.