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Department of Criminal and Civil Law and Procedure

Jaxybayeva Allyara
Senior Lecturer Position
Master of Law Academic degree
  • 2000-2004 Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov, "Jurisprudence"
  • 2008-2010 Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov, master's degree in the program "Law" in the direction of "Jurisprudence", received an academic degree - Master of Law with honors.
Subjects taught
  • Criminal law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (general and special parts)
  • Prosecutor's supervision in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Work experience
  • 2005 – present Senior lecturer of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure of the Kostanay Regional University named after A.Baitursynov.
Certificates/certificates of professional development
  • 2020 Advanced training course on the topic "Coaching technologies in higher education". (A. Baitursynov KRU). May, 2020 (72 hours)
  • 2019. Advanced training courses "Legal regulation of labor relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan", March, 2019 (72 hours), Karaganda.
  • 2019. Advanced training courses "Legal regulation of labor relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan", February, 2019 (72 hours), Karaganda.
  • 2019 Advanced training course on the topic "Methodology and technology of conducting webinars on the Etutorium platform". (A. Baitursynov KRU). April, 2019 (36 hours).
  • 2018 Advanced training course on the topic "Extremism and terrorism: typology, motives and threat factors". The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Training Center. April, 2018 (72 hours).
  • 2017 Advanced training course on the topic "Forms of pre-trial investigation. The procedure for conducting a pre-trial investigation of a criminal offense". The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Training Center. January, 2017 (72 hours).
  • 2017 Advanced training course on the topic "Corruption offenses and responsibility for their commission". The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Training Center. November, 2017 (72 hours).
  • 2017 Advanced training course on the topic "Formation of psychological competence". (A. Baitursynov KRU). June, 2017 (72 hours).
  • 2017 Advanced training course on the topic "School of curators". (A. Baitursynov KRU). June, 2017 (72 hours).
Awards and prizes
  • Letter of thanks from the Rector of Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov, Kostanay 2014.
  • Letter of thanks from the Rector of Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov, Kostanay 2018.
Training manuals
  • Jaxybayeva A.A. "Criminal offenses against the person" – Kostanay, 2020. – 60 p.
  • Jaxybayeva A.A., Khasanova A. Problems of determining a selfish goal in the qualification of criminal offenses against property International Scientific Conference of young scientists, undergraduates, doctoral students, practitioners "Actual problems of law-making and law enforcement in the Republic of Kazakhstan", Kostanay, 2020.
  • Jaxybayeva A.A., Pedagogical educational technologies, "Innova - 2018": Materials of the international scientific and methodological conference - Kostanay State University named after Akhmet Baitursynov. 2018-222 p .
  • Jaxybayeva A.A. Probation Service in the Republic of Kazakhstan, KSU, "3i: intellect, idea, innovation – intelligence, idea, innovation", No. 4,2017, 192-196 pages
  • Jaxybayeva A.A. Competence-based approach in training specialists as a necessity in modern education, "Innova - 2019": Materials of the international scientific and methodological conference – Kostanay State University named after Akhmet Baitursynov:. 2019-222 p.