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Department of Economics and Finance

Kurmangalieva Aizhan Kasymbekovna
Acting Associate Professor Position
Сandidate of Economic Sciences Academic degree
  • 1983 to 1988. Kostanay pedagogical Institute named after the 50th anniversary of the USSR-mathematics and physics.
  • 2001-2004 A. Baitursynov Kostanay state University - software and hardware for computing equipment and network.
  • 2006-2008 Ural state agricultural Academy - 08.00.05-Economics and management of the national economy (by industry).
  • 2010 Nostorification of the diploma of candidate of Economics in Astana.
Subjects taught
  • Technical and economic analysis
  • Statistics
  • Quantitative analysis of economic data.
Work experience
  • 1998-present associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance of Kostanay regional University named after A. Baitursynov.
  • 1988-1998-Alexander high school, Kostanay district, Kostanay region-mathematics teacher.
Certificates of professional development 
  • "Financial planning: strategy and tactics", 18.01.2019.
  • English language course (Beginner level in the English Language) 2018.
  • English language course (Pre-intermediate level in the English Language) June 2018.
  • "Creation of an educational Internet resource", 01.06.2018.
  • "Professional Kazakh language", 01.06.2018.
  • "Innovative technologies of higher education". KSU named after N. F. Katanov.
  • "Professional and personal competencies of a UNIVERSITY teacher", November 2017, Karaganda.
Awards and prizes
  • Diploma of the Governor of Kostanay region.
Activity in the services sector
  • Member of the Committee on educational programs.
Training textbook
  • Экономикадағы статистикалық әдістер. Оқу құралы. Курмангалиева А. К.Костанай: А.Байтурсынова атындағы ҚМУ, 2017.-132 б.
Certificate of intellectual property
  • Certificate of entering information in the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright. №11333. From July 13, 2020. Type of copyright object: computer program object Name: Regional monitoring of the ecological and economic system of mining deposits in Kazakhstan. Creation date of the object: 25.06.2020.
  • Зиядин С.Т., Курмангалиева А.К., Тастемирова Ж.А., Сарманова Ж.А. Совершенствование индустрии туризма в условиях цифровой экономики. Экономика: стратегия и практика. 2018. № 3 (47). 144-154.
  • Ziyadin Sayabek, Madiyarova Ainur, Tlemissov Ulan, Kurmangalieva Aizhan, Tastemirova Zhanar, Akybayeva Gulvira, /Role of leaders in developing expertise in
    teaching and their influence on teachers in Kazakhstan /Academy of Strategic Management Journal Volume 17, Issue 3, 2018, 136-149.
  • Уоткінс М., Зіядін С., Іматаєва А., Курмангалієва А., Блембаєва А. Digital tourism as a key factor in the development of the economy. / Economic Annals-XXI (2018), 169(1-2), 40-45.
  • Baimuhamedov M.F., Zhikeev A.A., Bulaev A.G., Tastemirova Zh.A., Kurmangalieva A.K., Bugubaeva A.U. Software Analytical Method for Protecting Digital Information. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE). ISBN: 2278-3075? June 2020.
  • Baizakov S. B.-doctor of Economics, Professor, Vasilchuk E. V.-doctor of Economics, Kurmangalieva A. K.-candidate of Economics on the concept of managing economic growth at the regional level. Multidisciplinary scientific journal 3i. no. 4 2018.138-146.
  • Kurmangalieva A.K. Analysis of the financial condition in the diagnosis of the alleged bankruptcy of an enterprise. Многопрофильный научный журнал 3i.№4 2018.138-146.
  • Kurmangalieva A. K., Saidova L. Efficiency of innovations and application of information technologies in agriculture. Integrated rural development and innovative technologies in the agro-industrial complex. Collection of the IV international scientific-methodical and practical conference. Novosibirsk state agrarian University. 2019. Pp. 47-52.
  • Kurmangalieva A. K., Saidova L. State and problems of functioning of information support at the enterprises of agro-industrial complex of Kostanay region. Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abai's. Series "Physical and mathematical Sciences". 2018. No. 1 (65). - pp. 307-311.
National project
  • The grant MES "the Regional monitoring of the ecological-economic system of ore deposits of Kazakhstan (on the example of Sokolov-Sarbai MaaPP)".