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Department of Economics and Finance

Kenzhebekova Dina Sainovna
Head of the Department Position
Candidate of Economic Sciences Scientific degree
Associate Professor Academic degree
  • 1987-1991 Kostanay agricultural Institute-Accounting and analysis of economic activity-Accountant-economist.
  • 2000-2004 Kostanay state University.A. baitursynova-Software and hardware for computer equipment and networks-software Engineer.
  • 2004-2007 Federal state educational institution of higher professional education Ural state agricultural Academy, Yekaterinburg, candidate for the Specialty 08.00.05-Economics and management of national economy: Economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes (agribusiness and agriculture).
  • 2007 Defense of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of economic Sciences of the Russian Federation (D220. 067. 01 Federal state educational institution of higher education "Ural state agricultural Academy (Yekaterinburg)).
Subjects taught
  • Financial and management analysis
  • Analysis of the company's financial statements
  • Financial risk management and insurance
  • Banking risk
Work experience
  • 1991-1994 Accountant of the polevodstvo s.Kamyshenskogo Voroshilovskiy district, Kostanai region.
  • 1994-1996 Senior laboratory assistant of the Department of mathematics of the Kostanay Agricultural Institute.
  • 1996 Lecturer at the Department of mathematics of the Kostanay Agricultural Institute.
  • 1998 Senior lecturer at the Department of mathematics of the Kostanay Agricultural Institute.
  • 2000 Senior lecturer at the Department of information systems of Kostanay state University named after A. Baitursynov.
  • 2002 Senior lecturer at the Department of economic Cybernetics of Kostanay state University named after A. Baitursynov.
  • 2008 Deputy Dean for methodological work of the faculty of Economics and Finance of Kostanay state University named after A. Baitursynov.
  • 2009 Deputy Dean for academic Affairs of the faculty of Economics of Kostanay state University named after A. Baitursynov.
  • 2012-2019 Head of the Department of Finance and banking of Kostanay state University named after A. Baitursynov.
  • 2019 Head of the Department of Economics and Finance of Kostanay state University named After A. Baitursynov.
  • 2020 Present-head of the Department of Economics and Finance of Kostanay regional University named after A. Baitursynov».
Certificates of professional development 
  • 2015 "Main directions of formation of a unified educational space" (72 hours) with the participation of Professor of the National University of water management and nature management (Rivne, Ukraine) L. I. Beztelesna, L. Gumilyov Eurasian national University (Astana).
  • 2016 Competence approach-a new paradigm for training specialists of three levels of education, Kazakhstan, Kostanay, RSE "KSU named after A. Baitursynov".
  • 2016 Design of an automated test survey in Moodle, Kazakhstan, Kostanay, RSE " KSU named after A. Baitursynov».
  • 2016 " Advanced training of managers and managers in the field of Economics for the implementation of the project "Business relations" within the framework of the Unified business support and development program "business Roadmap 2020"", 160 academic hours, Almaty, Kazakhstan, corporate training Center of init KBTU LLP on the basis of KSU named After A. Baitursynov.
  • 2017 PC program "Pedagogical innovations in education" for 72 hours, Omsk, Omsk state pedagogical University on the basis of KSU.
  • 2017 Course: "Financial planning and budgeting at the enterprise" in volume of 72 hours, Kostanay, R-n Auliekol, LLP "Altyn Belle D".
  • 2017 Course: "Sources of financing of activity of the enterprise" in volume of 72 hours, Kostanay, R-n Mendikara LLP "Kulan".
  • 2017 The program "Advanced course in Financial Analysis, Management and Economics" in volume of 72 hours, State Xinjiang University in Urumqi.(China).
  • 2017 72-hour Course: "Financial management and its role in improving the competitiveness of an economic entity", Kostanay, Togas & K LLP».
  • 2017 Course:" analysis of material resources in a market economy " for 72 hours, KOSTANAY, EXPO-TRANS LLP.
  • 2017 Seminars: selection of a magazine for publication: how to find a journal with an impact factor and avoid unfair publications, Design an article for publication in international publications using the endnote Online bibliography program 2.5 hours, Clarivates Analytics Expert on information resources and educational programs in the CIS countries based on KSU.
  • 2019 PC "Analysis and assessment of financial risks, development of measures to minimize them" in the amount of 72 hours, Kostanay, Expo-TRANS LLP".
  • 2019 PK "Financial planning: strategy and tactics" in 72 hours, Almaty Training Center "Global Professional Development".
  • 2019 PC "technologies of training in higher school", 72 hours, Karaganda, SP Center for educational and legal technologies "Partner".
  • 2019 Seminar "Methodology and technology of webinar" in the amount of 36 hours, Kostanay, the Ministry of science and education RK, A. Baitursynov Kostanay state University.
  • 2020 Seminar-training "Bilim take badarmaturen thread semenawi tseller", Kostanai, Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, KSU named after A. Baitursynov.
  • 2020 Training Seminar "education quality assurance System", Independent Agency For Accreditation and Rating.
  • 2020 PC "Modern educational technologies of higher education" 72 hours, Karaganda, IP center for educational and legal technologies " Partner".
  • 2020 PC "Analysis and assessment of financial risks, development of measures to minimize them" in the amount of 72 hours, KOSTANAY, EXPO-TRANS LLP»
  • 2020  "Jean Monet" program 105 hours, Kostanay, KSU named after A. Baitursynov.
Membership in professional organizations
  • Member of the Council of the Institute of Economics and law.
  • Member of the educational and methodological Council of Rums MES RK.
Awards and prizes
  • Diploma of the rector "for active participation in scientific work", 2007.
  • Certificate from the rector "Abraly abeg, Geary CSU Seberg and belsand milk CSEasy ushin", 2008.
  • Diploma of the rector of the "A. Baitursynov finday MU-- 70 Gildiya milanisti and gemst pedagogical kyzmeti me Geary BLK amandurdy Dalloway lken Les ushin", 2010.
  • Certificate from the rector "Adal and gemst ebags ushin", 2012.
  • Diploma of the Dean "in honor of the day of the financier and the 20th anniversary of the national currency tenge, as well as for fruitful work and worthy contribution to the education and upbringing of students", 2013.
  • Diploma of the akim of Kostanay region "CP July Adal enbegi ushin Kazakhstan Tauelsizdik Zhane Respublikasynyn day Armena / For conscientious work and in honor of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan", 2015.
  • Diploma MES "Kurmet gramotey" "Toeless Honoured Rouhani and Lumet Damu jolynda al getche tapestry me Bilim take salasana Osan Les ushin", 2016.
Activities in the service sector 
  • Member of the jury of Cathedral, Institute, and University competitions for research projects of students and undergraduat.
  • Member of the jury of Cathedral, Institute, University scientific conferences of students and undergraduates.
  • Preparation of students for regional and national economic Olympiads.
Training manuals
  • Kenzhebekova D. S. Economic analysis (part 1) - Kostanay: A. Baitursynov Kostanay state University, 2010. - 160 p.
  • Kenzhebekova D. S. Economic analysis (part 2) - Kostanay: A. Baitursynov Kostanay state University, 2011. - 237 p.
  • Kenzhebekova D. S. Ekonomikalyk taldau (1 bolim) - Kostanay: A. Baitursynov Kostanay state University, 2014. - 103 p.
  • Kenzhebekova D. S., Akhmetkali T. A. Ekonomikalyk taldau (2 bolim) - Kostanay: Kostanay state University named after A. Baitursynov, 2016. - 72 b.
  • Kenzhebekova D. S., abzhanova A. K. Ekonomikalyk taldau (3 bolim) - Kostanay: Kostanay state University named after A. Baitursynov, 2017. - 97 b.
  • Kenzhebekova D. S., abzhanova A. K. Ekonomikalyk taldau (4 bolim) - Kostanay: Kostanay state University named after A. Baitursynov, 2018. - 131 b.
  • Kenzhebekova D. S. Economic analysis. Electronic educational publication-Kostanay: A. Baitursynov Kostanay state University, 2019
  • Kenzhebekova D. S., Tastemirova Zh. a. Analysis of financial statements of the enterprise (part 1): Textbook. - Kostanay: A. Baitursynov Kostanay state University, 2019. - 138 p.
  • Kenzhebekova D. S. Kasparyan Argyle acepten of thalgau (1 bln): Excellent Ali. - Kostanay: A. Baitursynov atyndagy KMU, 2020. - 70 b.
  • Kenzhebekova D. S., Lysenko Yu. V. Methods for assessing the competitiveness of a commercial Bank used in foreign countries - international scientific and practical conference "Baitursynov readings-2018" on the topic: "The quality of human capital in the new industrial revolution"". - Kostanay: KSU named after A. Baitursynov, April 19-20, 2018-P. 175-178.
  • Kenzhebekova D. S., Musin N. Zh. development Prospects and ways to improve the use of electronic payments in the Republic of Kazakhstan - international scientific and practical conference "Digital economy-an analytical view", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of public figure, doctor of Economics, academician Sagadiev Kenzhegali Abenovich. - Kostanay: KSU named after A. Baitursynov, June 30, 2018.
  • Kenzhebekova D. S. Theoretical and methodological aspects of enterprise Finance management. XVII international scientific and practical conference "agro-industrial complex of the EurAsEC countries: Economics and management". - Barnaul: Altai press house, October 9-10, 2018-P. 245-247.
  • Kenzhebekova D. S., Amirbekov I. Sh.-S. Main directions of strategic management of innovative processes - International scientific and practical conference "Spatial development of territories", Belgorod, November 22, 2018.
  • Kenzhebekova D. S., F. A. Mironova Ismet Cretu salasin daytoday bsecee ablethe school - international scientific-practical conference "Aldomirovska read 2019", dedicated to the memory of the founder of the University academician Zulkarnai Aldamzhar (05-06.12.2019). - Kostanay: KSTU, 2019. - Pp. 236-240.
  • Kenzhebekova D. S., Bozbetbaev V. B. Foreign experience in developing tools for anti-crisis financial diagnostics of enterprises-Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference of students and undergraduates "Alem tanygan Abay" (27.03.2020). - Kostanay: KSU named after A. Baitursynva. - 2020. - P. 110-115.
  • Kenzhebekova D. S., Levina A. B. Experience of foreign countries in the formation of state innovation policy-Science. Scientific and production journal. - 2020. - no. 1. - Pp. 174-179.
  • D. Kenzhebekova, Ziyadin S., N. Shash, G. Yessenova, U. Tlemissov Date on the role of leadership in developing expertise in teaching in developing country - Journal "Date in Brief" Volume 18, June 2018, Pages 1127-1133 (publication in English Scopus).
  • Kenzhebekova D. S., Ziyadin S. T., Khamitova D. M., Zhumanov K. O. Problems and prospects of forming digital cities. Journal of Fundamental research. Publisher: Academy of natural Sciences publishing house. Moscow, №7.- 2018. – P. 77-83 (Publication in a periodical, recommended by Committee on control in education and science).
International project
  • International research project "Jean Monnet": "Study of the EU experience in developing capacity-building management for small, medium-sized businesses and private entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector of Kazakhstan and Central Asia».
National project
  • "Main directions of development of agriculture and rural areas at the present stage (based on materials of Kostanay region)» registration no. 0115RK02869 dated 20.10.2015, performed at the RSE " Kostanay state University named after Akhmet Baitursynov».
  • "Sustainable development of rural territories" registration no. 0120RKI0099 dated 10.06.2020, performed in the NAO "Kostanay regional University named after Ahmet Baitursynov.
  • Socio-economic foundations of sustainable development of the region (based on materials of the Kostanay region) 0120RKI0101 dated 10.06.2020, performed in the NAO" Kostanay regional University named after Ahmet Baitursynov ".
Contractual topics
  • Head of the initiative topic: Kozha-1 LLP on the topic: "Main directions of development of agriculture and rural territories at the present stage (based on materials of Kostanay region) "in the direction of" Sustainable development of rural territories".