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Department of Accounting and Management

Zhusupova Gulden Bakhytzhanovna
Senior Lecturer Position


  • 1997 Kostanay agricultural Institute. Accounting and audit.

Subjects taught

  • Accounting in economic sectors
  • Accounting and auditing
  • Financial accounting 1
  • Accounting expertise


  • Zhusupova G. B., the emergence and evolution of venture capital. International scientific and practical conference "Modern directions of scientific research" Dushanbe, October, 2017. p. 32-35
  • Zhusupova G. B., Theory of origin and essence of entrepreneurship in the innovative aspect. International scientific and practical conference "Modern scientific research: theory and practice" Sofia, October 2017, pp. 79-82.
  • Zhusupova G. B. Corruption of customs control. International scientific and practical conference "Modern science: problems and prospects of development" Dushanbe, Tajikistan, December, 2018. pp. 68-72
  • Theoretical aspects of the formation of the tax accounting policy of the enterprise. International scientific and practical conference "Topical issues of modern science" Tomsk, October 2018, pp. 100-104.
  • Zhusupova G. B. "Borderline – socio - economic factor of development" / / Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Modern scientific research theory and practice" October 31, 2019, Sofia, Bulgaria.
  • Zhusupova G. B., «Analysis of innovation activity»  Internnational scientific and practical online conference on the topic: «Inteqration of education, science and business in modern conditions», timed to the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 95th anniversary of the birth of Professor Pyotr Iosifovich Chuzhinov and National Currency Day November 18, 2021.
  • Zhusupova G. B., «Economic essence and features of reproduction in the agro-industrial complex» International scientific and practical conference on the topic: «Scientific research of sustainable development of the country: current issues and achievements», dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the birth of Doctor of Economics, Professor Sansyzbai Zhientaev and National Currency Day. November 11, 2022 КОСТАНАЙ
  • Zhusupova G. B., "Poverty as a social problem" Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "AKHMET BAYTURSYNOV - GREAT PERSONALITY AND HERITAGE OF THE NATION" Kostanay 2022