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Department of Accounting and Management

Zhilkaidarova Aisara Akhmedievna
Senior Lecturer Position
Master of Economics Academic degree
  • 1987-1992 Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute - Faculty of Natural Geography, teacher of geography and biology
  • Kostanay State University named after. A. Baitursynova, Faculty of Economics, accountant, auditor in agribusiness
  • 2017-2019 Master of Economic Sciences with a specialization in Management
Subjects taught
  • Development of management solutions S
  • State regulation of the economy 1,2
  • Project management Innovation management
  • Municipal administration
  • Planning system
  • Office management
  • Marketing research
  • Startup: from idea to business
  • Strategic planning and budgetary trends in public administration
  • Strategy and state programs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Work experience
  • 2011-present Senior Lecturer, Department of Accounting and Management, Institute of Economics and Law named after P. Chuzhinov, Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov
  • 2015-2017 Teacher of economic disciplines KEK Kazpotrebsoyuz
  • 2010-2015 Teacher of geography No. 20 of the school of Kostanay
  • 2000-2010 Teacher of economic disciplines at KTEK
  • 1994-2000 Lecturer at the Department of Economics of the Kostanay Agricultural Institute