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Department of Accounting and Management

Ladanenko Elena Ivanovna
Acting Associate Professor Position
Candidate of Economic Sciences Academic degree


  • 1994 Kostanay Agricultural Institute.Accounting, analysis and control at agricultural enterprises.
  • 2003 All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics (Moscow). 08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national economy.
  • 2005 Certified Accountant-practitioner (SAR).
  • 2011 Nostrification of Astana.
  • 2018 Certified Public Accountant-Technician (CPA Eurasia 1).

Subjects taught

  • Fundamentals of accounting
  • Accounting and taxation in the field of entrepreneurship
  • Financial accounting (advanced)

Scientific works

  • Ladanenko Y. I. Financial accounting 2: study guide. - Kostanay: KSU named after A. Baitursynov, 2018. – 125P.
  • Ladanenko Y. I. Accounting expertise: practical Training.- Kostanay: KSU named after A. Baitursynov, 2018. – 71p.
  • Perizat Orynbet, Gaukhar Sakhanova, Yelena Ladanenko, Vitalii Purichi. The Competitiveness of the Industrial Sector of the National Economies within the Setting of the Eurasian Economic Union.// Volume X, Issue 2(40), Spring 2019 DOI:, Р.632-639
  • Lukhmanova G. K., Ladanenko E. I., Bedelbaeva A. E. Current state of competitiveness of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. // Turan University Bulletin", № 2 (82), 2019., From 15-20.
  • A. D. Abasheva, E. I. Lazarenko, A. E. Ashimov. Economic development of the border regions of Kazakhstan and Russia in the conditions of the Eurasian economic Union .//Statistics, accounting and audit, №2(73), 2019., From 86-89.
  • Ladanenko E. I., M. K. Icenova, T. S. Mussina. Management of state budget expenditures in the conditions of the social state. // Statistics, accounting and audit, №2(77), 2020., From 202-205.
  • Main directions of placement and specialization of agriculture in Russia: monograph / A. I. Altukhov, A. G. Popov, A. A. Shutkov, E. I. Ladanenko [ et al.]. - Moscow: Sam polygraphist LLC, 2020. - 348c. (ISBN 978-5-00166-038-5)