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Department of Accounting and Management

Abayeva Gulder Ivanovna
Acting Associate Professor Position
Candidate of Economic Sciences Scientific degree


  • 2000  Kostanay state University named after A. Baitursynov.Economics and management.
  • 2003 Kostanay state University named after A. Baitursynov.Lawyer.
  • 2006. Karaganda economic University of KAZPOTREBSOYUZ..Specialty 080005 - Economics and management of the national economy (by industry and field of activity). Ph. D.

Subjects taught

  • Economic analysis
  • Management in the service sector
  • Basics of tax accounting
  • Controlling
  • Business organization
  • Accounting and reporting on tax obligations
  • Statistical methods of forecasting in the economy
  • Analysis of the justification of the tax policy of the organization
  • Trade marketing
  • Cost management and pricing


  • G. I. Abaev, "Almaty Oblysy mucalinda aumarussia inmodern ndru timign baalow, a Printed periodic scientific / public edition / / Central Asian Economic Review. – Almaty: JSC "Narkhoz University". – 2018. - № 5(123). – P. 164-171.
  • G. I. Abayeva, "the Need to form a new model of economic development in the region", quarterly scientific and practical journal// Statistics, accounting and audit.- Almaty: "Almaty Academy of Economics and statistics". – 2019. - № 1(72). – Pp. 195-199.
  • G. I. Abayeva, "State audit of the efficiency of budget funds use" quarterly scientific and practical journal// Statistics, accounting, and audit.- Almaty: "Almaty Academy of Economics and statistics". – 2019. - № 4(75). – P. 23-26.
  • Abayeva G. I. Analysis of the State Ownership Realization Process on the Example of Kazakhstan. Quarterly Volume X Issue 4(42) Summer 2019 Pp. 1013-1021. ISSN: 2068-696X Journal's DOI:
  • Abayeva G. I. Integration of Kazakhstan into the single labor market within the EAEU. Quarterly scientific and practical journal// Statistics, accounting and audit.- Almaty: "Almaty Academy of Economics and statistics".- 2020. - № 2(77). – Pp. 141—145.
  • Abayeva G.I. Financial relations in agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. BULLETIN OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, No. 3 (397) MAY – JUNE 2022- PP.317-326.
  • Abaeva G. I. incentives and remuneration in the Civil Service. Bulletin of the Kazakh University of economics, finance and international trade №3 (48) 2022. STR-326-333
  • Abayeva G.I. The impact of internal migration of youth on the creation of gross value added and on the indicator of the labor market in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of Karaganda University. The series "Economics". No. 4(108)/2022 dated 30.09.2020 p.235-241.